Using Excel to Display Data : Timetable and Time Management Skills
Use Excel to create an attractive and readable version of the SRS details of your own timetable for Semester Two. Please select the details that you feel are critical and use cell and data formatting facilities in Excel to enhance the appearance and readability of your timetable. (25%)
a) Enter data into an Excel Spread sheet detailing how you spend your time during an average week. This should be split into a minimum of seven different types of activity. Activities might include: Eating, Sleeping, Studying, Reading, Shopping, Sport, Travelling, Cooking, Socialising, Working, Playing an instrument.
b) Then use this data to create a pie chart in Excel representing how you spend your time. (25%)
Using similar criteria collect information about how five other people spend their time in an average week. They could be family, friends or other students. Enter this data into Excel and then select a suitable graph to compare these five people with yourself. This should NOT be a pie chart. You must use another appropriate graph or chart. (30%)
Use an annotated Excel graph/chart to show how you might be able to improve your time management for next semester. (20%)